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Cracking the Perfect Thesis Writing

Unfortunately, the perfect thesis doesn’t exist.


That’s what your professor says, don’t they? But how about this time you prove them wrong? We will do that, together. But let us first get acquainted with the assignment in concern.


What is a Thesis Paper?

A thesis is a long dissertation, written on the basis of and after a research work on a particular problem statement.

Simple? You would think.


A thesis paper typically includes the description of a long research, written in several specified categories of information. The categories or the chapters are – introduction, literature review, research methodology, findings and analysis, and finally the conclusion. Did we just say ‘finally’? Sorry, there is an abstract that you’ll have to write, as well.


Not so simple now, is it?


Thesis or Thesis Statement?

This is a conundrum that engulfs most of the students. Let us clarify it once and for all.

A thesis, like said earlier, is a long assignment that consists of several sections of information based on a research. A typical thesis is of several pages.


A thesis statement, however, is a single sentence or at most very few sentences that represents the summary of the main problem statement that the main thesis paper is trying to find an answer to.


A thesis statement is a part of a thesis. We hope you are confident on this point now? Let’s jump on to the main thing.


The Structure of a Thesis

As mentioned in the previous section, a thesis consists of several sections. There are ground rules about each section or chapter of a thesis that you better know if you plan on getting a good grade.
In this part of this text, we’ll let you in a few secrets of the trade. Let us see what.



Your introduction will be the first thing that your professor will read, in your thesis. You need to make it interesting enough for the reader to stay on the page, and informative enough so they are on the same page as you.


Let’s see what you need to do here:


  • Like in every other academic writing assignment paper, you need to use a ‘hook’ in the first few sentences of your introduction. But don’t make it too long; you’re not telling a story. Write something that is really interesting and written in a catchy manner.
  • After the ‘hook’, quickly transition to the topic, and explain the topic well.
  • Towards the end of your introduction, you write your thesis statement. Thesis statement will be your problem statement for the entire document, and the aim of the thesis is to find an answer to it.


Literature Review

Literature review is the second section or chapter of your thesis. In this section, mention all the sources (texts) that you used for reference in your research. But isn’t the ‘references’ section for this job?


Let us see how a literature review is different from the ‘references’ section:


  • In a literature review, you mention the sources, and mention the reasons for including them in your research.
  • You need to evaluate the text sources for their relevance to your research work.
  • Your literature review should contain the ‘conclusion’ sections of the previous research papers or thesis papers, if you are taking them for reference.



Methodology section includes the, as the name suggests, methods of carrying out your research. To nail this section, you need to:


  • Mention the processes and methods in the order of their occurrence in your research work.
  • Write in detail why you went for that particular topic, and where did you get them from.
  • Explain the process of getting to the solution of the thesis statement using each of the methods.


Findings and Analysis

This is the part of your thesis assignment where you explain what results you got after carrying out the experiments. Remember the following:


  • Explain the results in the order of the processes that were carried out to get them.
  • Analyse the findings of each method in the context of the thesis statement.
  • To put a little seasoning on the dish, you can compare your ‘findings and analysis’ section with that of your sources. Combine your literature review with your findings.



In this last part of your thesis writing, you put an end to the discussions that your paper has been doing. Just make sure you keep these in mind while writing your conclusion:

  • The thesis statement should be resolved (or not resolved). You must make it clear that was your research capable of solving the problem statement or not. Do not leave this dangling.
  • You have to conclude firmly, but tone it down a little.

Now it might sound simple.


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